Some help to select a category?
Here are a few hints:
Events pursuing a commercial objective within a targeted audience consisting of customers or trade partners. Product launch, B2B Fair, Incentive, Inauguration, Roadshow,…
Events pursuing a commercial objective within a targeted audience consisting of end-users and/or final customers. Brand activation (on a festival), Guerilla marketing, Public event, in-store action, cultural or sport event, B2B Trade fair,…
Events targeting the employees of a company. Team learning, Staff meeting or seminar, Educational operation, Staff event, Team Building, Intern (live) communication, Family day,…
Institutional Events
Events or live communication efforts for a public institution or non-profit organization.
Open day, Inauguration, Media event,…
The process of encouraging members of a group to work well together, for example by having them take part in activities or games.